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How to: Web3 Gating

With the MEE6 Web3 Subscription or with the MEE6 Genesis Pass you can enable the Web3 Gating feature for your server.
Gating allows automatic assignment of special roles to your community members based on the Web3 assets they own.
Here's how to implement Web3 Gating:

1. Activate the plugin

You can find the Gating plugin on the left bar menu (left picture) or on the dashboard main page (right picture).

You can click on one or the other to activate the plugin.

2. Enable wallet connection

Start with clicking the "Setup your gate" button.

The next step is to enable a wallet connection.
Wallet connection is key for your members to verify their wallet ownership and claim the role(s) that you had set up.
To enable a wallet connection, just turn on the toggle indicated by the red arrow and go to the next step.

Wallet connection can be made from a read-only channel, where an embed will be visible for all members to start the wallet connection process.
You can create a read-only channel for wallet connection embed directly from the Gating onboarding, or you can choose any existing channel.

Pressing the "Let’s start" button will create a new, read-only text channel.
For the purpose of this guide, let's call ours "connect-wallet".

3. Post the wallet connection embed and manage /wallet-connect command

Next step is to publish the embed in the wallet connection read-only channel we have selected.
The embed is the starting point where your community members can connect their Web3 wallets to verify ownership.
To publish the embed, click on "Post the embed" button.

This is how your embed will look like:

In addition to this dedicated embed, your server members can also use the /wallet-connect command to start verifying the ownership of their wallet. This is what they will see after using this command:

4. Create your first ruleset

To start creating your first ruleset, click "Create new ruleset" button and you will be presented with the following window:

Here you can do the following:

  • Customize the name of your ruleset. This is useful if you plan to have multiple rulesets on the server.
  • Choose between NFT or Crypto.
  • Create the ruleset:
    • Give an existing role or create a new one.
    • Specify minimal amount of NFT or Crypto required to get this role.
At the moment only these blockchains are supported for web3 gating:
- NFTs: Opensea (Ethereum).
- Crypto: Ethereum/Polygon.

Here is an example of a finished ruleset:

This ruleset will grant the role "genesis-holder" to any member with at least one MEE6 Genesis Pass NFT.
Then you can press Save, and you will see the list of your current rulesets.

Edge Cases

Multi contract collection
Large or historic collections may have multiple contract addresses, which can cause issues like members not receiving roles. Our system might detect a contract address that no longer contains the NFTs. This is a known issue, and we will address it in the future.

Multiple wallets per member
Members can verify multiple wallets, but only one wallet must meet the ruleset conditions to receive a role. For example, if a member has 5 wallets, each with 1 NFT from the same collection, and the ruleset is 'get the Whale role for 5 NFTs,' they won't get the role. All 5 NFTs must be in the same wallet for the role to apply.

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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