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Default Settings For MEE6 Plugins

Are you looking for default messages and variables for one of your MEE6 plugins? Here they are:

Welcome & Goodbye

Verification message:

To enter this server and see all channels, you must first prove that you are human.
Click on the button below to start.

Welcome message:

Hey {user}, welcome to **{server}**!

Welcome message in DM:

Have a great time here in **{server}**!

Welcome card, public and DM versions:

{user.idname} just joined the server
Member #{server.member_count} 

Welcome to {} 
You're member #{server.member_count} 

Farewell message:

**{user.idname}** just left the server

Welcome channel

Please use "reset to default" button.


GG **{player}**, you just advanced to level **{level}**!


Panel message:

How can we help?
Welcome to our tickets channel. If you have any questions or inquiries, please click on the ‘Open ticket’ button below to contact the staff!

Ticket introduction message:

Your ticket has been created.
Please provide any additional info you deem relevant to help us answer faster.


Hey, I'm a reminder!

Twitch Alerts

Hey @everyone, {streamer}, is now live on {link} ! Go check it out!


Hey @everyone, **{tiktok_user}** just posted a new video!

Twitter Alerts

Hey @everyone, **{twitter_user}** just posted a new Tweet!

YouTube Alerts

Hey @everyone, **{youtube_channel}** just posted a video! Go check it out!

Instagram Alerts

Hey @everyone, **{instagram_account}** just posted a new shot! Go check it out!

Kick Alerts

Hey @everyone, **{streamer}** is live on Kick! Go check it out at {link}!

Podcast Alerts

Hey @everyone, a new episode of **{podcast_title}**, titled **{episode_title}** is now available! Go check it out!


Happy Birthday wishing message:

It's the birthday of {user}!

Happy Birthday wishing message with age:

It's the birthday of {user} ({age})!


General announcement for getting an achievement:

GG {player}, you just unlocked the achievement: **{achievement}**!

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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