MEE6 can help you protect your community by banning users from accessing the server.
How To Set Up a Ban Command
You will need MEE6 Premium to be able to use the Moderator plugin and its /ban command feature.
Head to your Server Dashboard → Essentials → Moderator.
Open the plugin page and select the Commands tab.
Ensure that /ban and /tempban commands are enabled, as seen here:
To manage access to specific commands, click on the command you want to edit.
This will open a permissions window where you can customize who can use the command.
Here you can give access to the command without giving users full Administrator rights.
For example, here’s how you can allow the "Moderators" role to use the /ban command:
Channel permissions will determine where exactly these roles can execute this command.
Enabling Send private response option will make bot return an ephemeral message to the user who executed the command. No one else will be able to see it.
Enabling Delete command usage will make MEE6 remove original message that contained the command.
Don't forget to click Save & Close button to save the changes.
Notes: - Remember that Server Owners and roles with Administrator permissions have access to Moderator commands by default, there's no need to add their roles. - If your assigned roles do not see the commands on your server, refer to our Role Permissions article for troubleshooting steps.
How To Use Ban and Tempban Commands
You can use the ban command by typing the following command in any channel in your server:
/ban @username
Where "username" is the username of the user you wish to ban.
You can also specify a reason for the ban if you wish by typing:
/ban @username reason
Where "reason" is the reason for the ban.
You can also temporarily ban users for a set period of time by using the following:
/tempban @username “duration”
You can add a reason to the temp ban, with the following:
/tempban @username “duration” “reason”
Duration to experiment with:
- 1m equals to 1 minute.
- 1h equals to 1 hour.
- 1d equals to 1 day.
- 1w equals to 1 week.
Please be aware that minimal ban or tempban time is 1 minute.
You can use the user's Discord User ID instead of the @username. To find the user's ID, refer to our dedicated support article.
If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️